Is five minutes enough?


Cory Madden

Student like Alice Delaney head to class during the passing period.

As soon as the passing period bell rings, students have multiple things to do after they walk out of their classes.

It’s especially difficult for some students if they have classes on multiple sides of the school, upstairs and down.

“If we could have just two more minutes to get to class, that would be great, because I could walk to my classes rather than sprint,” said sophomore Sanjna Sandeep.

Many students struggle with getting from class to class in only a matter of five minutes.

Some think that seven minutes would be beneficial to them.

“I have to put away my instrument, I have to get my stuff, and it’s at least a three minute walk to get to the C Hall or B Hall,” said freshman Jared Rausch.

In addition to classes being scattered, the hallways also tend to get crowded making it difficult for students to pass through.

“Some of my classes are on one side of the school and then I have to get to the other side of the school in five minutes? Then these students are packed in the main hall. It’s crazy here,” said freshman Gian Lezotte.

Since band is in the very corner of the school, some students believe there is no shortcut.

“Band is all the way across from the English hallway, so I have to run to my class every day, and it’s a struggle,” said Sanjna.

Although it might seem challenging to make it to class on time, it’s important for students to be aware of all the routes you could take to get to class.

“We have multiple stairways and I would encourage students to use those other stairways,” said Mrs. Michelle Zurek, one of the assistant principals.

It’s also important to make smart decisions when walking in the halls.

“You definitely want to be very intentional with what you’re doing as far as just go where you need to go without making any unnecessary stops. You need to go from class to class basically without stopping to socialize and mill around or taking the long way instead of the short way,” said Mrs. Zurek.

Hopefully students will discover the route that best suits their schedule.