Is fashion worth the risk?


Leggings are allowed with some restrictions that some students don’t agree with.

Over the summer, a petition against the rules on leggings surfaced on Twitter and it quickly rounded up over 2,000 supporters.

With the attention the petition got, came many different opinions.

“I think that there’s a difference between being taught to hide your body and being taught that you’re not beautiful and being modest,” sophomore Chase Parker said.

According to the FISD Student Handbook, “leggings…must be worn with shirts, skirts, or shorts that extend to or below fingertip length.”

However, some students think that this rule is more strict than it needs to be.

“I think that if [your shirt] is covering the important parts, then it shouldn’t be an issue,” junior Ariana Kypuros said.

Although many students have expressed the same mindset as Ariana, the staff hopes to keep a professional environment.

“Whenever you’re a student, your job is school and so because of that, we have a certain dress code that we’re expected to follow,” said Assistant Principal Jennifer Redden.

The dress code is the same all across the district and rules only change if people on the school board agree that the guidelines need altering.

However, it doesn’t look like there will any easing up on the leggings policy soon, so it is best for students to be wary of haste wardrobe decisions.

“The main lines, the big line or the bottom line is: [is] what you’re wearing modest and cut and is it appropriate for school?” said Assistant Principal Jennifer Redden.

For students who do not dress within code, there are consequences.

“The first time, they get dress coded. After the second, third and fourth they get Thursday Night Live, Saturday School and ISS,” said AP Secretary Chada Sheffield.

There’s still a way to be comfortable while staying within dress code, so dress classy Coyotes.