Calling all Frisco area businesses and organizations!
If you’re a business or organization in need of effective marketing, especially towards the teenage demographic, look no further than sponsoring Heritage Student Media. HSM offers many diverse and affordable sponsorship packages to local businesses of Heritage High School— a truly unique opportunity to advertise to and improve public relations with the local community.
Financial sponsorships help support the media program in the following ways throughout the school year:
> Photo and computer equipment purchase
> Support for travel to conferences and conventions for students who cannot afford to pay the full trip costs
> Covers some costs related to the website management, publication printing (yearbook, magazine)
> Allowing students to participate in activities and training without a large monetary strain.
If you would like more information about sponsorship, advertising or how Heritage Student Media can meet your marketing needs, please contact us.

Ricky, the business manager for The Print Newsmagazine, is a 17 year old senior at Heritage High School. He has a passion for business and handles all...