Gain Train
Juniors create personal training business surrounding shared passion
“I started training because a lot of people, when they’re working out, they’re struggling with diet and a good routine so I wanted to help people out,” junior Mahdean Sarkar said.
September 19, 2018
Sweat and body odor waft through the gym doors every time juniors Joseph “Joey” Hobbs and Mahdean Sarkar open them for another work out.
The strain to make one last rep, the sore muscles and strict diet are just parts of the daily lives for the two. After spending hours every week in the gym pushing themselves to reach their personal bests, Joey and Mahdean have decided to create a small business training others at the beginning of summer this year.
Joey and Mahdean say that they started personal training to have some type of profit, but that it also had other motivations too. n“I started training because a lot of people, when they’re working out, they’re struggling with diet and a good routine, so I wanted to help people out,” Mahdean said.
By training others, both say that they feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. “I just love seeing the results that people get and how happy they are,” Joey said. “Seeing them [gain muscle] when they’re happy about it, I think, ‘Yeah, I did that.’”
Mahdean created a website to allow for potential clients to explore what services they offer and as a way to promote their growing business.
The business stemmed out of people coming with questions to Joey and Mahdean about their training regimen. “At school we’re often asked how we started a [workout] program,” Mahdean said. “We base [our workouts] off what our goals are.”
Since their business is still growing, Joey and Mahdean have to create strategies on how to maximize their client base.
“Right now [I’m focused] about expanding,” Joey said. “My main goal is promotion by talking about it and that’s why I don’t really charge people a lot [of money] right now, I’m trying to get the word around.”